Organic Social Media Management

With 84.3% of the UK’s population on social media, you’re missing a trick if your business isn't online. Unsure of how to go about it or you just don’t have the time to post regular content? No stress, our organic social media management will cover everything for you!

Why Get Your Business On Social Media?

There are so many reasons, here’s just a handful:

Brand Awareness – Just getting consumers to know you exist and recognise you. For example, 91% of people can recognise Google simply from its colour palette!

Humanise Your Business – Let people get to know the real you and show them the people behind the products.

Stay On Their Minds – Keep yourself present in consumers’ minds. The majority of people do not make a purchase after their first interaction with a company, so make sure they remember you and want to interact again.

Get To Know Your Audience – Learn what people want and give it to them! You can also tailor your marketing to suit your audience better.

Cost Effective – Organic social media management gets you results and you don’t have to pay to post on the platforms.

Customer Service – Social media makes you more reachable, which improves customer satisfaction. Just make sure you’ve got people like us keeping an eye on your comments/messages and replying promptly.

Crisis Communication – If something goes wrong with your business, in the wider world, you need to be reactive. React quickly and effectively with the help of social media.

What Is Organic Social Media Management?

Organic social media management is all about creating fresh, exciting content that appeals to your target audience. The meaning of ‘organic’ basically just means free – this differentiates it from our paid social media services, which include ads and boosted posts.

To create posts, you need two things: imagery/videos and content.

Impressive Imagery – Across all social media platforms, posts with imagery perform better than those that are purely text. For example, on LinkedIn, posts with images have a 98% higher comment rate than average, and Twitter posts with images are three times more likely to get engagement. A variety of different types of imagery, such as photography, illustration, infographics and memes, are going to keep your socials looking fresh and attract more attention.

Viral Videos – Imagery is good, but videos are even better. Some studies show that video content receives 1200% more shares than text and image content combined. Plus, viewers retain 95% of a message when they’ve watched it in a video, compared to 10% when simply reading text. That’s going to get your point across better and keep you in your consumers’ minds.

Captivating Copy – Ok, so we’ve just bigged up imagery and video a lot, and yes, purely text posts are unlikely to perform as well as them, but copy is hugely important. When posting your media, you’re going to want text to accompany them. This ensures you get your point across clearly and, if used effectively, will increase engagement. For example, a personalised CTA (call to action) can increase conversions by 202%. Finally, hashtags are a great way to reach new potential customers, you need these in your copy but you need them to be well-researched, applicable to your audience/business and up-to-date. We can make sure of all of that for you!

Grow Your Following With Organic Social Media Management

Now you know a bit more about organic social media, we’re sure you’ll want to get yours running smoothly. Put this task in our hands and we’ll deliver results! Simply call us on 01926 814547 or fill out this contact form and we’ll get to work.