What Is Branding?

Your brand is your company’s identity, both visual and otherwise. Let’s have a look at what this can include:


Yes, just adding your logo to something and declaring it branded is not the way to do things, but your logo is going to be very important. Our designers and illustrators can work with you to find something that suits you and will speak to customers.

Colour Palette

When it comes to branding, consistency is key. You want to find a distinct colour (or colour palette) and stick to it. Think of Coca-Cola’s red or Cadbury’s purple – people recognise the brand purely from their specific shades.


Thick and bold, light and delicate, and everything in between. A font can help consumers to know what to expect from your business. Your aesthetics clinic will look good with an ornate script, but it probably wouldn’t be right for the boxing gym down the road (or maybe it would, that all depends on their brand).


What kind of imagery will suit your company? Should it be soft and gentle, or dramatic and exciting? Photography, illustration or digital design? We can do it all!


Summing your business up in one short sentence is tricky, you want something punchy and memorable that explains what you offer. Good thing we have a whole team of writers to help with that.

Tone Of Voice

How are you going to speak to consumers? Humour can be a great way to connect, but it’s not suitable for everyone. Are you formal or informal? This choice will have a big impact on consumers’ perception of your company.


You want to find your niche. Where do you sit in the market compared to your competitors? What sets you apart and why should the consumer pick you? Deciding how you’re going to position yourself will impact all of your branding choices, so make sure you know where you want to be.

Why Is It Important?

Let’s have a look at some statistics:

  • 87% of consumers said consistent branding across all online and traditional platforms was important
  • 77% of consumers prefer shopping with brands they follow on social media
  • Colour increases brand recognition by up to 80%
  • 53% of consumers say they need their brands to take a stand on at least one social issue – show your customers what your values are
  • 55% of a brand’s first impressions are visual, so our design team will be key, but this shows that your aesthetic is certainly not the only thing to consider

Establishing a brand sets you apart from your competitors, increases recognition, inspires trust, helps your employees to feel part of a team and can create loyal customers.

Let’s Create Your Brand!

Now you’re aware of what establishing a brand means and how it can help you. Does that mean you’re ready to get yours sorted? If so, then get in touch on 01926 814547.

If you want to see more of our brand, visit our Instagram profile and don’t forget to head to our YouTube channel to hear some helpful hints and tips about branding and a range of our other services.